This little boy works hard for his daily bread
Only 9 years old, Saudiel is a little boy in El Salvador working hard to provide his family with their daily bread. Instead of attending school each day, he toils in the fields to earn money so they can buy food.
In El Salvador, poverty is as plentiful as the mountain ranges crossing the small Central American country.
When he was 2, Saudiel’s mother abandoned her children, and the grandparents stepped in to care for them. They sometimes ease their hunger by eating a little corn. Some days, they are lucky and can have beans with tortillas. Watching the children go hungry distresses their destitute grandparents.
“We are poor people here,” Saudiel’s grandfather, Simon, said. “I feel sad because it’s important to have food every day, but there’s nothing to do about it.”
Jesus told us He is the bread of life. You can provide lifesaving “bread,” food for those who hunger.
Your gift makes a dramatic difference in the lives of those struggling to find their next meal. With your offering, and Food For The Poor’s efficient method of securing food, we can multiply God’s blessings and feed many children in His name. Your gift matters to God, who calls upon us to share with those who go hungry.
Please, give him today his daily bread with your generous offer to feed hungry families!
“Give us today our daily bread.”
(Matthew 6:11, NIV)