Home Is Where The Heart Is
In Guatemala, Reyna fears that her children will one day be homeless.
She has good reason to fear. Their ramshackle home is constantly buffeted by heavy wind and rain that threaten to tear it apart. Meanwhile, the family endures, hoping for sunnier days and clinging to faith Jesus will hear and answer their prayers.
You have the power to help bring about a miracle. Your gift today brings us closer to blessing even more families with safe, secure homes.
Our goal is to build 100 homes for families in need. Deliver the gift of a new home to encourage those waiting in faith!
Through January 31, every gift of $4,900 toward a home will be matched by another generous donor to build a new home.
Your faith walk is a powerful catalyst for change. Please take a moment to download our FREE prayer journal to aid you in your spiritual journey.
And please, take a moment to watch a short, heartwarming video about the lives of Reyna and her family and their deep faith. Click here to watch.
“In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.”
(Psalm 5:3, NIV)