Together: A New Community Center

Whether it’s a heat wave or thunderstorms, severe weather can be a real threat when important community meetings must happen outside. Residents getting together regularly to share information and discuss ideas in a secure common space often is a key element in community engagement and empowerment.
Ayalitas Revitalized
Meyli Beatriz of El Salvador is grateful that she and her neighbors in the Ayalitas community now have a beautiful community center where they can hold meetings. Gone are the days of haphazard chats on the streets with neighbors. The center also provides a place where children and adults can go to study and learn on new computers. “We are very grateful to all of you and thank you very, very much indeed,” Meyli Beatriz said to the FFTP donors who made the new center a reality.
Stronger Today and Better Tomorrow
The women of Ayalitas feel blessed by the provision of the community center and the vegetables they are being trained to grow and harvest through a program of the Ayalitas women’s association, which is also made possible by FFTP donors. The women are excited for the legacy they will create in the community. “We feel very happy, joyful, all women, because in five years from now, our community is going to be better than today,” said association member Maria Nubia.
Because of generous support from donors like you, Ayalitas residents have the benefit of a safe community center and a stronger community.