Celebrating 40 Years
United In God’s Work
With sincere gratitude and in recognition of your contributions to our shared mission, The Food For The Poor Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team Request the honor of your presence at
FFTP’s 40th Anniversary Legacy of Love Luncheon
We will celebrate 40 years of service to families living in extreme poverty and recognize 40 friends and partners whose contributions have been instrumental in accomplishing
FFTP’s mission.

The event begins at 11:30 a.m. with a welcome reception where you will have the opportunity to meet fellow guests followed by a three-course luncheon, presentation, tribute, and an update providing insight into our direction for the future.
Following the luncheon, we invite you to join us at FFTP headquarters for an intimate look at how we are transforming our space to honor and pay tribute to those who forged our history and are
framing our future.

Wednesday, December 14
The Polo Club of Boca Raton
5400 Champion Boulevard, Boca Raton
11: 30 am – Appreciation Luncheon
3:00 pm – FFTP Headquarters Tour

Wednesday, December 14
The Polo Club of Boca Raton
5400 Champion Boulevard,
Boca Raton, FL 33496
Appreciation Luncheon:
11:30 a.m.
FFTP Headquarters Tour
3:00 p.m.