By Hilda Perez, Food For The Poor Staff Photographer
For most of us here and around the world, this year so far has been filled with challenges and for many has been about changes, adapting and enduring. Sadly, for countless people, it has also been about personal loss.
I’m grateful and fortunate that for me, a constant during these inconsistent pandemic times has been the work we do at Food For The Poor. Our donors have been nothing short of magical with their generosity and compassion, and our partners have been amazing as they work tirelessly to help those in great need.

I love music. So, I often relate the work that I do as a small part of a greater musical composition. But I have to tell you, not being able to travel these past few months to work with our partners and meet our beneficiaries has felt like some notes are out of tune.
I won’t lie, my aching joints have found some needed respite. And, while I know my feelings are trivial compared to those with much greater needs, I can’t help but miss sharing the moments captured visually of our beneficiaries through our Photos of the Day on our social media platforms.
Most often, these glimpses and moments that happen in less than a second, photographically speaking, are long lasting in my heart, and in my mind.
Due to the travel restrictions from COVID-19, I am disappointed that right now we are unable to provide new photos, but in the meantime, we thought we would share some of our “Fan Favorites” over the past years.
We would love to hear what you think too. Please also feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, and give us feedback on what photos resonate and touch your hearts and your minds.
Thank you so much in advance.