Food For The Poor Mission Trips

Food For The Poor mission trips allow you to see firsthand the heartbreaking conditions that many of God’s children live in.
During your “Journey of Hope” you will visit schools, children’s homes, housing communities, clinics, and feeding programs. You will also meet our in-country partners and beneficiaries of Food For The Poor projects.
Your heart will be touched in so many ways – from laughing and interacting with the children, to receiving sincere hugs of gratitude, to sharing in the joy of a family receiving a home for the very first time, and witnessing the deep faith of people who rely upon the Lord’s mercy for their everyday survival.
You will see how our generous donors make a difference. Many donors find a deeper understanding of God’s grace as they come face-to-face with poverty in developing countries during a Food For The Poor Mission Trip.
Contact Us
Interested in going on the journey of a lifetime? Click the button to receive more information. You can also reach us at [email protected] or (800) 568-8124.