Answered Prayers

Prayers do get answered, and a young couple in El Salvador received confirmation when they were blessed with a new Food For The Poor home.
For years, Julissa, 30, prayed for a new house and a safe place to raise her children. When she and her husband started their family, they were homeless. Year after year they shuffled from one miserable, unstable shack to another. Before they received a new Food For The Poor house, they lived in a shack pieced together with metal, wood and bed sheets, and it leaked badly. The children were terrified of windy rainstorms and knew a storm at night would mean no sleep.
Now, Heidi, 6, and Medelin, 11, sleep peacefully through the night. They can study for school without worrying about their beds, clothing and school papers getting soaked from violent rainstorms. The entire family has peace of mind and the new house has answered Julissa’s prayers.
“The first night that we slept here, I thanked God and I thanked Him a lot because without Him, I wouldn’t have been able to have a house like this,” Julissa said.
Because of the generous compassion of donors like you, Julissa and her family know their lives have changed for the better.
“I thank the people, the donors of these homes, I thank them since because of them we have a place to live,” Julissa said. “And now, we no longer have those worries we had before … God willing, they have God’s blessing in all their things. May God take care of them always.”