Belize is a beautiful Central American country about the size of Massachusetts. Poverty is widespread, however, with more than 41 percent of the population living below the poverty line.

Food For The Poor (FFTP) began working in Belize in 1986. The international relief and development organization helps local groups that serve in the Central American country. The local organization A Hand to the Needy has been an FFTP in-country partner for 35 years, and assists impoverished rural communities, providing help to more than 2,500 families within 61 communities and 44 schools throughout the country. In October 2020, FFTP added a new organization to its in-country partner list, the Roman Catholic Church of Belize, which received three tractor-tailer loads of aid to assist families in need.
How We Help
- In 2021, FFTP shipped 37 containers of essential goods, and nonperishable food to Belize.