Food For The Poor Partners with Web Portal BluMail
COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (July 15, 2009) – The nation’s leading international charity, Food For The Poor, has teamed up with BluMail, a one-of-a-kind online community, to help bring information that will make a difference to people in developing countries, while providing them with free access to e-mail.
Launched in the fall of 2008, BluMail has attracted dozens of well-known and well-respected organizations and international charities. Its goal is to make the world a better place by giving millions of people – particularly youth – access to critical information affecting their daily lives.
“Access to the kind of information that BluMail provides is one of the ways we can help people in developing nations escape poverty,” said Angel Aloma, Executive Director of Food For The Poor. “It provides information about organizations and resources that can change the course of their lives and it gives both youth and adults greater opportunities to learn about nutrition and AIDS prevention, the environment, and job placement.”
BluMail’s goal aligns with one of Food For The Poor’s strategies — to give more people access to technology. So far this year, Food For The Poor has provided more than 7,400 computer workstations to destitute residents in Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guyana, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. The charity is working to raise funds to ship enough computer systems to help at least 100,000 poor children every year.
The intent is to lessen the steep divide between developed and developing nations.
In the United States, nearly 73 percent of the population has access to the Internet, according to But in developing countries and regions worldwide, the number of people with Internet access drops sharply – just 34 percent in Latin America and 22 percent in the Caribbean.
BluMail also provides additional means of educating the public by tying its concepts to practical solutions on the Food For The Poor website. A link to informs viewers on initiatives to feed people, provide clean water, outfit fishing villages, fund schools and teach people how to grow their own food and break the cycle of poverty.
“We’re delighted to have Food For The Poor join the BluMail community as an alliance member,” said Dr. Sarah McCue, Founder and Board Chair of BluMail. “This is an organization that already is doing incredible work and now, through BluMail, will be able to reach and help more people and countries every day.”
Food For The Poor, the largest international relief and development organization in the United States, serves the poor of the Caribbean, Latin America and the U.S. Food For The Poor provides food, emergency relief assistance, clean water, medicines, educational materials, basic housing, support for orphans and the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. More than 97 percent of all donations received in 2008 went toward programs that help the poor.
Kathy Skipper
Manager, Marketing and Public Relations
(954) 427-2222 x 6614
[email protected]