A School Desk and a Chair

A School Desk and a Chair

Donate A School Desk and a Chair

A School Desk and a Chair



In many schools, students crowd onto benches or share worn-out tables, hindering their ability to focus and engage in their studies.

A dedicated learning space

A new desk and chair give these students a dedicated space to learn, write, and concentrate. This simple yet impactful gift creates an atmosphere of productivity and empowerment, enabling students to fully immerse themselves in their education and reach their full potential.

School Girls Haiti

School Boy seated at desk El Salvador

A better experience

Giving students a dedicated learning space profoundly enhances their educational experience, enabling them to organize their materials, take notes, and engage with their studies more effectively. With a comfortable and functional desk and chair, students can develop good study habits, participate actively in classroom discussions, and perform better academically.

A brighter tomorrow

Education is a critical pathway to breaking the cycle of poverty, and your contribution plays a significant role in this transformative process. It shows students that their education matters, providing them the tools they need to succeed. A comfortable and dedicated learning space enhances their academic performance and instills a sense of pride, motivation, and empowerment.

Girlin school Honduras 2022

Help Avert a Humanitarian Crisis
Haiti Needs Urgent Assistance

In recent days, a surge of violence in Haiti has forced at least 360,000 people out of their homes. Food For The Poor’s distribution centers need more resources to serve the 4 million people who are now facing acute food insecurity. Help us restock and ship more containers to respond to the immediate crisis and prepare the recovery efforts to help internally displaced families return home.

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Help Avert a Humanitrian Crisis in Haiti