Event News
Palm Beach Donors Raise Funds to Restore Fishing Villages in Haiti (Press Release)
South Florida families can combine their passion for the poor with their love for the sea to help fishermen in Haiti through Food For The Poor.
2017 Event News
Fishing Boat for Haiti Donated in Honor of Palm Beach Donor: 2nd Annual Hope Floats Includes Fishing Tournament for Kids (Press Release)
Thanks to generous donors, families in Haiti’s new Alpha Village are closer to realizing their dream of having their own fishing village.
Palm Beach Donors Raise Funds to Build Fishing Village in Haiti (Press Release)
Guests will enjoy a fishing tournament for kids on the docks, a docktail party for adults, live entertainment and a raffle followed by a family barbecue dinner.
2016 Event News
2016 Event Photos (Facebook Photo Album)
More than 300 people attended Food For The Poor’s inaugural Hope Floats Kids’ Dock Fishing Tournament & Family Night at the Sailfish Club of Florida in Palm Beach to raise money to build homes in Alpha Village, Haiti.
Raising Hope for Haitian Families: Palm Beach Donors Fish for a Cause, Support Food For The Poor (Press Release)
Thanks to generous donors, desperate families in Haiti are closer to realizing their dream of living in a safe, secure shelter.
Palm Beach Donors to Raise Hope for Haitian Families (Press Release)
Food For The Poor is sponsoring a family friendly day of fun on the water to raise funds to give hope to desperate families in need of safe, secure shelter in Haiti.
2016 Mission Trip Video
Mission trip to Haiti that inspired the Hope Floats event.