Act Now to Save Hungry Children
Your Gift Today Will Feed Starving Children
Every child deserves daily bread.
You are reading this right now because you believe that having access to nutritious food is a basic human right. Because of the support of deeply caring donors like you, Food For The Poor provides relief and sustainable solutions to impoverished families in the Caribbean and Latin America who desperately want to feed their children.
Families like Rosena’s need you. Rosena lives in a tiny shack in Haiti where she is raising her three small children with her husband, a farmer whose work is at the mercy of unpredictable weather conditions.
No Daily Bread
The family meets mornings with relief that they survived another day, but Rosena’s children are hungry and tired. The survival of her little ones consumes Rosena. “… I feel very bad when my children cry for food. I feel very uncomfortable; it hurts.” In the Caribbean and Latin America 60 million people are reported undernourished by the United Nations.
Your Donation Counts
The bold action of giving provides food to starving children and daily bread to families like Rosena’s. You can be the difference by giving a suffering child the chance to lead a healthy life. Please donate today to give hungry children a nourishing gift this holiday season.
“Give us today our daily bread.”
(Matthew 6:11, NIV)