The Gift of Answered Prayers

In Guatemala, Calixta, 68, and her three grandchildren struggled each day to survive.
The home the children were living in was just a dilapidated, zinc shack that flooded when it rained. The water poured in through the rusted roof and under the walls, soaking everyone and turning the dirt floor into a muddy mess. And with the water came disease-carrying mosquitoes that often made the children sick.
Despite her constant struggle, Calixta’s faith in God’s love and mercy remained strong. She prayed night and day for His help.
“If God lets us, we will see a new house because he is the owner of our lives,” she said.
Thanks to God and the kindheartedness of Food For The Poor donors, Calixta’s prayers were answered! She and her grandchildren no longer worry about the rains that come. Their safe and secure new Food For The Poor home keeps them safe and dry.
Calixta is thankful for her new home. “…thank God for giving us our lives again, God thank you we have a place to live.”