Rochelle Stanton
Generating Activities Analyst
Rochelle evaluates opportunities to commit resources to generate economic empowerment in all capacities for those we serve. This entails streamlining and organizing economic data to overcome localized challenges and to create sustainable and resilient livelihoods in developing countries.
Before coming to Food For The Poor (FFTP) , Rochelle completed a stint at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade in Jamaica and an internship at the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), which promotes business opportunities in export and local investment. There, she amassed key foundational and strategical fundamentals that would further her love for development.
Rochelle has served in various capacities in FFTP, from working with donors to working directly with the charity’s in-country partners to develop their capacities in income generating and economic empowerment projects.
Born and raised in Jamaica, Rochelle holds an undergraduate degree in International Relations, with a minor in Public Administration. She also holds an iMBA in International Business Administration and a certificate in Business Analytics. Rochelle also served for a year on the Kiwanis Club of Emerging Leaders, where she held a position on the Financial Committee.
She lives in South Florida and has one daughter.

Generating Activities Analyst
Rochelle Stanton