By Victoria Green In October of 2014, after having worked at Food For The Poor for just under three years, Natalie Hurtubise joined FFP’s Projects department as the Project Manager for Guatemala and El Salvador.
Year: 2021
Five Years after the Haiti Earthquake
By Joy Oglesby It was a warm Tuesday afternoon when the earth started to violently shift. Within minutes thousands were killed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as buildings collapsed on children, women and men. When the dust settled, more than 300,000 people were dead. Countless others were injured. More than 1 million instantly displaced. Since that terrible […]
Building from the Rubble Up
Food For The Poor’s dauntless staff writer Debi Springer has an extraordinary compassion for the children and families we work to support here at FFP. Please take a few minutes to read about a family she met on a recent trip to Haiti. Have you ever come face-to-face with someone who has a dream? I […]
Horse (and Mule) Power for Honduras
By Robby Brumberg Honduras is a mountainous country with harsh terrain and extremely limited infrastructure. The country has about 15,000 miles of roadways, less than 2,100 of which are paved. This leaves huge numbers of rural residents at the mercy of perilous, constantly shifting dirt roads, which may or may not be passable depending on […]
A True Place to Call Home
Amber Noe is the coordinator of Food For The Poor’s peer-to-peer fundraising program, Champions for the Poor. She recently traveled to Haiti for the first time, and was kind enough to share some of her experiences with us.
A True Place to Call Home: II
Amber, our Champions For The Poor coordinator, shares more about her first trip to Haiti.
Pray for Baby to be Born into the Light of a New Home
Our Executive Director, Angel Aloma, traveled with a group of clergymen recently to Honduras to visit children and their families who benefit from our programs. The group also met with families living in desperate conditions. This is Angel’s account of one encounter. On my trip in Honduras last week, we visited a garbage dump in […]
More Than a Roof and Four Walls
Joseph Hamaty is a Program Specialist in Food For The Poor’s Church and School Department, where he helps oversee the Operation Starfish and Combined Federal Campaign initiatives. Here he shares about a trip to the poor community of El Bejucal, Guatemala. We drove over treacherous terrain in a mountainous area of Guatemala called El Bejucal. […]
A Safe Home (and Much More) in Honduras, Thanks to You
A few weeks ago, Angel, our Executive Director, shared about a family living underneath a tarp in a garbage dump in Honduras. Angel wrote about Maria, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant. He called for prayer that her baby would be born and raised in a safe, new home, instead of in the hazardous dump.
One Community, One House, One Family at a Time
If you ever feel hopeless about the scope of poverty, or skeptical about the impact you can make in our world, take a look at what Food For The Poor donors are doing to help to transform the community of Fort Royal, Haiti. Fifty solid concrete homes (each equipped with a personal pit latrine and […]