A love letter from our Executive Director Angel Aloma to YOU:
When people say to me, “God bless you,” I think to myself that if God were to cut me off at this very moment, I would still die in His debt for how richly he has blessed me. (God, that was just a statement of fact, not a request… 🙂 ). I feel so honored to be a member of this exceptional Food For The Poor family.
It is such a privilege to work every day, arm-in-arm, with thousands of caring, compassionate fellow laborers like you. The love you exemplify in your lives brings life to others. The fact that you bring food, clean water, shelter, education and medicines to those who would die without them is already spectacular, but that’s not all that you do. Your generosity brings thousands of suffering people tremendous healing.
You build the self-esteem of those ashamed of their poverty, and bring hope to those on the edge of despair. You make those who feel voiceless, invisible and forgotten, feel acknowledged and remembered by man and by God. You are the balm of Gilead that refreshes their faith, relieves their grief, and comforts their broken spirits.
You give dreams to the dreamless so that they do not perish! Thank you for allowing God to use you so magnificently.
It is no wonder that I am proud to work with you, and that I am so inspired and energized by your goodness. God bless you for the beauty of your spirit.
I wish you the wonderful Christmas that you so richly deserve.
For the poor,
Angel A. Aloma
Executive Director