Facts About Our Work in Grenada
Food For The Poor (FFTP) works with in-country partners such as Caritas and the Bishop’s Office in Grenada, which helps in the distribution of essential aid to families in need. FFTP also works with three children’s homes as part of the Angels Of Hope program. Fifty-one vulnerable children have a home, food and people to give them loving care. The children also receive donated items such as food, clothing, personal hygiene products, shoes and school materials every month.
Current COVID-19 stats
Total Cases 4,077
Active 2,675
Deaths 55
Recovered 1,347
Vaccinated 51,610 (19,629 fully vaccinated – approximately 17.53% of total population)
In March 2020, FFTP responded quickly when COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, became a pandemic. The charity sent 11 tractor-trailer loads of items specifically for COVID-19 relief.
In 2021, FFTP shipped 74 tractor-trailer loads of goods that included:
- Agricultural tools
- Medical furniture
- Medical supplies
- Household items
- Nonperishable food
- Clothes
In 2021, FFTP made repairs to the Dorothy Hopkin Home, a facility that caters to handicapped children and the elderly. Work continues for the development of the vanilla farm in Tufton Hall with the successful growth of the initial vanilla stock and the planting of new vines.
In 2020, FFTP completed the Tufton Hall Pig Project and determined the Tufton Hall Vanilla Project will be a long-term program.
In 2019, FFTP provided Grenada with four fishing boats equipped with 40 HP motors and fishing gear, which were used to provide a sustainable livelihood to individuals in need.
In 2018, the second phase of the All Island Sanitation Project was completed.
In 2017, the first phase of the All Island Sanitation Project was completed. The project included the installation of water and flush toilets into the homes of five families in a rural mountainous community.
In 2016, the Carriacou water project was completed. The new water tank, which stores 100,000 gallons of water, is providing more than 8,000 residents on the small island of Carriacou with clean water.
In 2015, FFTP established an early childhood education project to train and certify selected workers, who were equipped with laptops and printers.
The population is approximately 113,570 residents. The language is English, and Protestant is the largest religious denomination. The currency is the Eastern Caribbean dollar and the GDP per capita is $15,100.