As a faith-based organization, prayer is a fundamental part of our ministry. We pray daily for the poor who are still suffering, our donors, and each other.
We invite you to create a prayer by clicking the Create Prayer Request button and filling out the form. Once verified, your prayer request will appear on the prayer wall.
To pray for someone’s else’s prayer, click on the I Prayed for This button. Every time someone prays for a request an email will be sent to the person who made the prayer request to let them know (only if they have indicated they want notifications).
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I want to be more of a supporter of projects like food for the poor but I am currently dealing with a health issue that is forced me to live on a very frugal budget so that money is very tight. Pray the surgery goes well in early October this could restore me back to full health and then I'm ready to get my got back into support please pray for me
Received: August 26, 2022
Ken W.
For the eternal rest of our dearly departed family, neighbors, friends, acquaintances
For all in need of special healing-B, J/C,T,S,E,G,B,S,B,J,J,J/J,C,L,D,K,C,C,M
I thank God in advance
Received: August 26, 2022
Please pray for my back to be healed. I have some bulged discs and I can't go to work. I have a beautiful wife and 3 children I need to provide for. I really truly thank you for your prayers.
Received: August 25, 2022
Ken W.
For our priests, religious, seminarians, Bishops, Cardinals, Popes, Pastors, Imams, Rabbis and ex's
For all in special need of healing.
For all on the prayer lines
I thank God
Received: August 25, 2022
Ken W.
Dear Lord, please heal Ed from painful gallstone issue. Tests showed he had extreme blood pressure and some type of heart issue in addition to his "normal" back pains. In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN!
Received: August 24, 2022
For our neighbors, friends, relatives, acquaintances.
For all in special need of healing.
For help in packing in my schedule & in winning the lottery big.
I thank God in advance.
Received: August 24, 2022
We pray for Ashley W. as she approaches extensive oral surgery. We pray that she will have the strength to endure what pain may occur and that she may heal quickly. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
We pray for David S. as he endures severe back and leg pain and the difficulties involved with finding doctors and treatment that may bring him some relief. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
We ask these favors in Jesus’ name.
Received: August 23, 2022
For our children/grandchildren to come closer to Jesus & to return to his church.
For all in special need today
For help in packing my schedule & in winning the lottery big.
I thank God in advance
Received: August 23, 2022
Logan B.
To get into the music industry, make alot of of money, to bless and to take care of the hungry and elderly, to be and overseer in the music industry
Received: August 22, 2022
Ken W.
For Barb’s healing&strength
For all in need of special healing-B,J/C,R,T,S,E,G,B,S,B,J,J,J/J,C,L,D,T,S,K,R/J
For help in packing in my schedule & in winning lottery big
I thank God ahead of time