As a faith-based organization, prayer is a fundamental part of our ministry. We pray daily for the poor who are still suffering, our donors, and each other.
We invite you to create a prayer by clicking the Create Prayer Request button and filling out the form. Once verified, your prayer request will appear on the prayer wall.
To pray for someone’s else’s prayer, click on the I Prayed for This button. Every time someone prays for a request an email will be sent to the person who made the prayer request to let them know (only if they have indicated they want notifications).
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Daniel C.
Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Blog for the poor Prayer Wall!I am saved yet homeless at 74 and when i am sleeping under the highway overpass at night it gives me such great comfort knowing someone might be reading my prayer request and asking GOD to help me! GOD richly bless you brother Danny 11/10/20
Received: November 10, 2020
Urgently, I am asking prayers for Fernando O., he has COVID and he is in ICU in a ventilator. The doctors are saying that he is not going to make it! He has a rupture lung. I know the God I serve and HE is MIGHTHY and he hears the prayers of HIS children. I Choose to BELIEVE in a miracle. Please join me in this URGENT prayer.
Thank you.
Received: November 2, 2020
I need help to overcome my desires for food , self hate I can not stand myself I need you Jesus Please change me into your image I continually run to food to fill Me, satisfy Flesh! I have you Jesus
Have mercy on me Jesus I trust in you I need to Trust in you I can do all thru Christ I believe thank you In Jesus name day 3
Received: November 2, 2020
Pray for me to be employed/enlisted into the Nigerian Navy 2020 enlistment exercise.
I have been applying for Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commission for four times now and nothing seems to be working for me.
The presence of my prayers here, will definitely make be to be successful this year to be employed to Nigerian Navy, to the glory of God
Pray for me for:
Good luck
I must come back here to give my testimony to the glory of God, Amen
Thank you
Received: November 1, 2020
Please pray for Joel's heart to be softened by the love of God and for divine encounters that would bring him to salvation. Please also pray for the course that I need to take to be made available online.
Received: October 20, 2020
Judy W.
Please pray for David to feel better and to do great at work.I put everthing in gods hands.
Received: October 19, 2020
Please pray that I can listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and hear the words that will tell me how I can be of service to God. "Who do you say I am?" If the answer is the Son of God the Father, then everything changes and nothing else comes close. Sometimes it is so hard to resist letting other things control you and follow the voice of God, but when you do, it is really magical. I want to follow God because I love him and not because I fear that I am not good enough or that I have to earn his love. I just pray that my heart is open, and I am able to hear the words of direction.
Received: October 12, 2020
Please that my brothers Emmanuel and Duncan will serve the Lord and all the hate and malice in their hearts will turn to love, In the name of Jesus.
Thank you
Received: October 9, 2020
Denisse C.
Please pray for me. Please pray that my president Donald Trump. Please pray my good Lord, heals him. Please my Lord. Please protect him and his family. In Jesus name. I humbly pray and ask this. Please also pray, this covid-19 virus will go away for good. In Jesus name. I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Please also pray I will receive my ssi in the mail today or tomorrow at the latest. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Thank You, for praying for me. Amen.