As a faith-based organization, prayer is a fundamental part of our ministry. We pray daily for the poor who are still suffering, our donors, and each other.
We invite you to create a prayer by clicking the Create Prayer Request button and filling out the form. Once verified, your prayer request will appear on the prayer wall.
To pray for someone’s else’s prayer, click on the I Prayed for This button. Every time someone prays for a request an email will be sent to the person who made the prayer request to let them know (only if they have indicated they want notifications).
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
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We pray for repose of the soul of Linda S., who recently passed. We pray that she will rest in peace and we pray for consolation for her husband and family. Praise God, she was able to receive the last rites. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Bill W., a free spirit and one-of-a-kind! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Received: May 31, 2024
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For the eternal rest of our dearly departed family,neighbors,friends,acquaintances,todays
For all in need of special healing-B, J/C,T,S,E,G,B,D,J,J/J,C,L,D,K,C,C,M,M,M,G,L,K
I thank God in advance
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 31, 2024
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For our priests,religious,seminarians,Bishops(S),Cardinals,Popes,Pastors,Imams,Rabbis and ex's
For all in special need of healing
For all on prayer lines
I thank God in advance
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 30, 2024
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For our children/grandchildren to come closer to Jesus & to return to his church.
For all in special need today
For help in packing my schedule & in winning the lottery big.
I thank God in advance.
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 28, 2024
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For Barb’s healing & strength
For all in need of special healing-B,J/C,T,S,E,G,J,B,P,J,J,J/J,C,L,D,K,K,M,M,M
For help in packing in my schedule & in winning lottery big
I thank God in advance
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 27, 2024
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For healing for all in special need
For help in packing in my schedule & winning the lottery big
For help in praying my rosary nite/morning
I thank God
For all on Prayer Lines, last month & this
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 26, 2024
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We pray for Norma J., whose cancer has come back. She is pretty much on her own, with only assistance here and there from friends. She has been told that she has less than a year to live. Apparently she does not have much faith and is struggling. We pray for her to receive comforts from those who can physically be there for her and for a peaceful end to her struggle. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
We pray for repose of the soul of our good friend and neighbor, Bill, who sadly and peacefully passed away on Tuesday, May 7 at the age of 99+. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
We pray for healing of Catherine S. from her breast cancer and strength for Catherine’s mother Betty who is grieving seeing her daughter in pain. . In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for Lee’s return to Church after 2 years of not going to Mass or receiving Your Eucharist. May You continue to pour your Holy Spirit upon her to keep the fire of her heart glowing for Your Son Jesus Christ. . In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Received: May 25, 2024
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For all in special need today.
For help in packing in my schedule & winning the lottery big.
For all on the prayer line / prayer wall.
For all my sports people.
I thank God in advance.
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 25, 2024
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For the eternal rest of our dearly departed family,neighbors,friends,acquaintances,todays
For all in need of special healing-B, J/C,T,S,E,G,B,D,J,J/J,C,L,D,K,C,C,M,M,M,G,L,K
I thank God in advance
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.
Received: May 24, 2024
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For our priests,religious,seminarians,Bishops(S),Cardinals,Popes,Pastors,Imams,Rabbis and ex's
For all in special need of healing
For all on prayer lines
I thank God in advance
For all on my Special Prayer List from Rescue who have asked for help and those have NOT asked.