Q. Who will win this tug-of-war: the boy or the goat?

I spotted this boy yanking — one by one — his families’ two goats from the village’s pen to his home. The goats were gifts from Hope For Haitians, a charitable group that has built six villages in Cap-Haitien, Haiti.
For families like this boy’s, who were once mired in poverty, miles away from a clean water source and without means to eat, these goats are a God-send. Because of the 80 donated goats, families won’t have to go without milk, food or money. Children can be sent to school and homes can be repaired. By providing a steady supply of nutrition and an opportunity to earn income from byproducts like milk or cheese, the goats can help shatter the chains of poverty.
It was because the Lord worked through the Hope For Haitians donors that this boy’s family and 39 other families were able to celebrate — on a steaming hot day last week — the inauguration of the Love Friendship Village in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, and afterward collect their goats.
Join Hope For Haitians on Aug. 24 for a dinner and auction to raise money to help build homes and water wells, and educate the poorest of the poor in Cap-Haitien. You can support them virtually or in person.
A. The boy won.