Water security is a growing concern across the globe as demand and climate variables rise. While the health, ecological, and economic benefits of safe water are often the focus of discussion, the transformative power of safe water lies in empowering communities.
Water is a fundamental human need. We need it for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, cleaning, growing food, powering industries, and more.
Yet, millions of people still lack access to this basic resource, posing a serious health risk.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines safe water as water that is “accessible at home, available when needed, and free from fecal and priority chemical contamination.” The details below provide insight into the power of water to transform lives and the vital role it plays in building sustainable communities.

Sustainability Is Key
The impact of safe water in transforming lives and building sustainable communities cannot be overstated.
Food For The Poor recognizes the critical role water plays in health, nutrition, education, and sustainable development.
“Sustainability is a key objective for us,” Langle explained. By incorporating a sustainability plan, he added, “the impact goes beyond just the completion of constructing a safe water system. The community feels empowered, the safe water system is properly cared for where it can last for years, even decades, and other communities hear about the success of what was done in Las Queseras.”
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Help deliver relief and hope to families thirsting for a bright, healthy future by visiting foodforthepoor.org to find out how you can start changing lives today.